New Upcoming Movies 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction - 27 June 2014 Set five years after Dark of the Moon, Transformers: Age of Extinction sets out to continue the franchise, taking a new path...
New Upcoming Movies 2014
Transformers: Age of Extinction - 27 June 2014 Set five years after Dark of the Moon, Transformers: Age of Extinction sets out to continue the franchise, taking a new path...
Thor The Dark World
Who is not anticipating this Movie? At this point we are hoping that if Marvel is going to do an action movie and a love story they are going to...
Thor The Dark World
Who is not anticipating this Movie? At this point we are hoping that if Marvel is going to do an action movie and a love story they are going to...
Captain Canuck Is Moving On Up!
Great news, Canada! Smiley Guy Studios is currently producing a five-episode Captain Canuck web animation series -- but that's not all. Canada's favourite superhero will soon be gracing the big...
Captain Canuck Is Moving On Up!
Great news, Canada! Smiley Guy Studios is currently producing a five-episode Captain Canuck web animation series -- but that's not all. Canada's favourite superhero will soon be gracing the big...