New Upcoming Movies 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction - 27 June 2014 Set five years after Dark of the Moon, Transformers: Age of Extinction sets out to continue the franchise, taking a new path...


New Upcoming Movies 2014

Transformers: Age of Extinction - 27 June 2014 Set five years after Dark of the Moon, Transformers: Age of Extinction sets out to continue the franchise, taking a new path...


Captain America - The Falcon Movie Poster

By now we are sure most have seen the trailers that are out there for the Winter Soldier. The new chapter of the Captain America franchise by Marvel Studios. You...

Captain America - The Falcon Movie Poster

By now we are sure most have seen the trailers that are out there for the Winter Soldier. The new chapter of the Captain America franchise by Marvel Studios. You...

Jack of All Trades ‘Iron Man 3’ Review!

Guess what we’ve got for you? A little glimpse of what you’re going to see tonight if you plan on going to see the new Iron Man 3 film (and...

Jack of All Trades ‘Iron Man 3’ Review!

Guess what we’ve got for you? A little glimpse of what you’re going to see tonight if you plan on going to see the new Iron Man 3 film (and...