Breaking ‘Justice League’ News! Don’t Miss This!
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Warner Brothers is cooking up something really tasty. This weekend, “El Mayimbe” of Latino Review announced that Christopher Nolan has been visiting Warner Bros. property frequently with good purpose: Nolan will be the new “overseer” of all the company’s superhero properties. What does that mean?
Nolan will make sure that all superhero films go off without a hitch, are awesome, and will please true fans – just like he’s done for the upcoming ‘Man of Steel’ film. AND Nolan will take over the reigns of producer for the new ‘Justice League’ film! This is exciting news, but it’s not the only news that broke this weekend!
In a recent interview with Christian Bale, Empire Magazine quoted Bale as saying that he would consider playing the part of Batman again if Nolan came to him with a great script. Word on the street is that Nolan now has that great script.
Batman and Superman may ride again in the very near future. Rumor has it that the end of ‘Man of Steel’ may include Superman visiting Bruce Wayne and asking Wayne to join forces with the rest of the Justice League team. Yep, our minds are blown too! Warner Brothers hasn’t confirmed anything yet, but El Mayimbe is rarely mistaken!
We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: never, ever, ever, ever, leave a superhero film before those credits start to roll. These films always hold secrets that can only be seen by those who wait! When ‘Man of Steel’ hits theaters on June 13th, sit back, relax, and keep eating your popcorn well past the end credits. You never know what you might miss!!