Hot Hulk News Flash! Is Planet Hulk Next?
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Movie blogger El Mayimbe (Latino Review) is causing a raucous in the comic world this morning. Mayimbe is reporting that Marvel is in the process of creating a Hulk movie. That’s right, folks, after The Avengers sequel Hulk may soon be starring in his own movie titled ‘Planet Hulk’ which will kick start Marvel’s third phase in it’s cinematic universe. The story (as reported by El Latino) goes a little something like this (warning: spoiler!!!):
Hulk gets kicked out of the Avengers due to his anger issues and is sent to space. He lands on a foreign planet and is taken hostage. During his time as a prisoner, Hulk is forced to compete in Gladiator competitions. Eventually, Hulk decides to rebel and takes over the planet crowning himself king. King Hulk returns to Earth to battle those who sent him into space. The war between Hulk and his alien minions and Earth’s surviving heroes will be titled “World War Hulk.”
I can just see Hulk smashing a bunch of puny humans and aliens around the screen now, can’t you? Seemingly, Hulk’s banishment into space will happen at the end of the Avengers 2 film. So, make sure that you watch the film all the way to the very end – including the credits!
If El Mayimbe’s scoop is right (and it typically is!), we are in for one heck of an upcoming film. There’s no doubt that Hulk would make an excellent main character – I mean, come on, he’s half the fun of the Avengers! There has been no confirmation of this news by Marvel yet, but we will keep you posted! In the meantime, if you haven’t read the Planet Hulk storyline as originally scripted, make sure to check out this link.